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We build
Artificial Intelligence
to solve complex problems. This is file

Algoriam allows you to quickly explorer the content of the data to discover what can give the real competitive advantage.

You have data.
You want deep insight. Fast. With high performance and high satisfaction.

Transform you data from a reactive baseline to a proactive approach to accelerate the outcome to your business and unlock your digital transformation

Algoriam offers ML & AI project support in a variety of ways.

Can support whether you are running some exploratory data science to investigate a use case or deploy AI intelligent apps into production environments.

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At Algoriam we work on the basis of an agile process model.

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ML applications starts with the desired outcome or decision to be modeled. Algoriam works closely with our customers to understand their operation, data, workshops/interviews with stakeholders-data understanding-use case prioritization-ML dev plan created.
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Algorithm Prototyping

Based on desired projections, data structure, performance metrics, and explainability.

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Exploratory Data Analysis

Any good ML model needs significant data & feature.

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Model Validation

Careful cross-validation of algorithmic results to ensure accuracy, reliability.

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Production Deployment

Enterprise production requires different skillset than algorithm development.

We turn your data into actionable insights that drive bottom-line growth.

Leverage our AI powered solutions across your entire value chain.
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    Machine learning

    Choose the best solution with sufficient guarantees that you are not making a mistake1

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    Artificial Intelligence

    With NLP, NLU and NLG, our AI developers can help organizations analyze text, customer feedback and sentiment1

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    Adoption & Scale

    We develop AI applications that help you predict customer behaviour and outcomes and grow your business in the right direction1

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    Choose the best solution with sufficient guarantees that you are not making a mistake2

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    Text Analysis

    With NLP, NLU and NLG, our AI developers can help organizations analyze text, customer feedback and sentiment2

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    Predictive Analytics

    We develop AI applications that help you predict customer behaviour and outcomes and grow your business in the right direction2

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    Robotic Automation

    Help businesses focus on core competencies by reducing human efforts and automating recurring and high-volume2

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    Computer vision

    We build AI platforms with image recognition, video analysis and multi-dimensional data understanding

Our products

Transform you data from a reactive baseline to a proactive approach to accelerate the outcome to your business and unlock your digital transformation
Contact Us

Contact us if you want start with a AI project.

Algoriam will generate creative solutions that combine industry best practices with innovative ideas with backgrounds in diverse fields such as operations research, social and life sciences, physics, math, and engineering. The Algoriam platform is composed by different modules, fully adaptable for each customer's needs.

Contact Us

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